Why You’re Not Reaching Your Health & Fitness Goals

Have you ever wondered why you’re not reaching your health and fitness goals? You’re doing everything right (or so you think). So, WTF?! I’m here to tell you that it’s not because you’re not working hard enough, or because you don’t have enough self-discipline. No, the real reason is much simpler than that: you may have a fixed mindset.

A fixed mindset is the belief that your abilities and traits are set in stone, and that there’s nothing you can do to change them. This kind of thinking is absolutely fucked and prevents people from reaching their full potential, because they’re too afraid of failure to even try. On the other hand, a growth mindset is the belief that your abilities and traits can be developed through effort and practice. People with a growth mindset are more likely to achieve their goals, because they’re constantly striving to improve.

“Right. Whatever, Matt. I’ve been there. I’ve tried EVERYTHING..NOTHING works!

Yes, I’m a mind reader. I know you just said that, or something like that, to yourself. That’s your fixed mindset talking. Your fixed mindset doesn’t want to change..

Post 5k race, August 2022 – thanks to my growth mindset

Ok, but HOW can you move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset? It’s actually pretty damn simple. Here are three tips:

1. Be Open to Learning new things: A fixed mindset tells us that we already know everything we need to know, so there’s no point in learning anything new. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Learning new things keeps our brains active and helps us grow as individuals. When it comes to health and fitness, there are always new trends and technologies emerging, so it’s important to stay open-minded and willing to learn. As a coach, I know I don’t know everything. But you can bet your ass I’m going to never stop trying to learn everything!

2. Embrace Challenges: A fixed mindset sees challenges as threats, while a growth mindset sees them as opportunities. If you’re stuck in a rut, challenge yourself to try something new. It might be uncomfortable at first, but it will ultimately make you stronger and more resilient. Growth happens outside of your comfort zone!

3. Be Kind To Yourself: A fixed mindset leads us to believe that we’re either successful or we’ve failed; there is no middle ground. This black-and-white thinking can be harmful because it sets us up for disappointment when we don’t meet our expectations. Instead of being hard on yourself, try to be understanding and accepting of your mistakes. Remember that everyone makes mistakes – even people with a growth mindset! – and that the only way to learn and grow is by making them. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretzky – Michael Scott”

If you’re not reaching your health and fitness goals, it might be time to examine your mindset. Are you someone who believes that your abilities are set in stone? Or are you someone who is always striving to improve? The answer may have more impact than you realize! Embracing a growth mindset is the key to unlocking your full potential – so WTF are you waiting for?
