Life Is Better On The Edge

What does it mean to live life on the edge? To me, it means you are constantly refusing to accept your limitations. How do you know what your limits are if you aren’t constantly challenging them? How do you expect to GROW?

Class V Rapids – Upper Gauley River, West Virginia don’t and you can’t.

Pushing yourself to the edge doesn’t have to be in a thrill seeking, adventurous, potentially dangerous aspect. It can be done with anything you do in life.

Living your life on the edge and pushing your mindset of what is possible isn’t for everybody. It’s hard. It’s not pretty at first. You will uncover a lot of ugly shit that you have been ignoring.

But guess what? The end result is pure. It’s beautiful. It’s YOU living your best version of YOURSELF!

This goes back to a re-occurring theme I talk about in much of my content. Being uncomfortable!

True growth happens outside of your comfort zone. That’s my motto – be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Challenge yourself and you will be rewarded!

Don’t ever let your critics hold you back from doing the things you want to in life. They are your critics because they have not accomplished the things they wanted to in life. They discourage you to feel better about their own lack of success. Your critics are not a reflection of you as a person!

Your success is right around the corner. Surround yourself with positive people. Build your support system. Eliminate negativity from your life. Yes, you will likely lose friends and even family. So what? STOP WATERING DEAD PLANTS.

Indian Staircase – Rid River Gorge, Kentucky

You will have hardships in your journey towards living on the edge. You’ll deal with things you never would have thought you’d have to deal with in a million years – but here they are. Deal with them. How do you respond? Do you crumble, or do you use that as a motivating factor to be an even better version of yourself?

Every obstacle you face head on makes that beautiful view at the top that much more enjoyable. Each obstacle is a lesson to be learned.

Maybe right now you’re at the lowest point you’ve ever been in your life. I get it. I’ve been there. You’re at the bottom of the mountain – so far away from the edge that you can’t even see it! That’s OK. Start looking up. Start trekking. At the bottom of the mountain are all your excuses. Your should haves. Could haves.

Take that first step away from leaving those things at the bottom of the mountain and start that climb.

When you begin the climb, you’ll realize something..

The edge is the only place to be.